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Embracing the Sandman: Unveiling the Sleep Trends of 2024

Chris HardyChris Hardy
June 4, 2024
We are constantly on the search for things that improve our lives. It’s part of what it is to be human. This year more than any other however, there seems to be a renewed focus on health and well-being, with sleep taking centre stage in the wellness spotlight. The reason why is no secret, it’s an activity we spend a huge portion of our lives doing, and in recent years, the importance of quality sleep has taken centre stage, leading to a surge in innovations and trends focussed on making our nightly rest the best it can be. We’re going to take a bit of a deep dive, and journey into the world of sleep trends for this year, let’s see what’s on offer!

Notable sleep trends for 2024

Sleep trends are ever-evolving, but here's a roundup of the top emerging or established sleep trends we expect to see continue to grow in popularity throughout 2024. Scroll on to unveil all.

1. Personalised sleep solutions

Tech Memory Motion Autobed adjustable bed in bespoke mineral blue


Most people will do whatever they can to improve their sleep, and personalised sleep solutions are hitting the ball out of the park at the moment. As technology improves, and artificial intelligence goes from strength to strength, we are getting a deeper understanding of our sleep patterns. Smart bed bases with sensors and even responsive materials definitely seem to be at the forefront of this revolution.

These “next-generation” bases gather data and use it to monitor our sleep cycles, body movements, and even our vital signs. By collecting and analysing this information, the base can adapt, giving us custom, personalised comfort and support. Some models can raise the head or foot of the bed based on the user's preferences and even react to physiological occurrences in real time! The TEMPUR Ergo™ is a fantastic example of this with its Sleeptracker® AI enhanced snore detection. Without using microphones, when the vibrations of snoring are detected, it adjusts the mattress elevation automatically. Super smart…

When used with sleep trackers, we can gain a unique insight into sleep quality. These trackers, usually worn or integrated into our bedding, monitor a wide range of factors like our heart rate variability, respiratory rate, and ambient conditions. The data collected is then processed and analysed, and personalised recommendations are generated for improving various aspects of our sleep patterns. This is sleep on another level!

2. Circadian rhythm optimisation

Circadian rhythm graphic image displaying nigh and day with a clock representing the circadian rhythm in the centre


As much as many think of this next trend as a bit of a pseudo-science, we are now finally recognising the role the circadian rhythm has in terms of regulating our sleep cycles. It’s a real thing! We’re now seeing a surge in technologies and products specifically designed and manufactured to make the most out of our internal clock. Smart lighting systems are becoming a big deal here, mimicking sunlight and its changes throughout the day. This is like something from a sci-fi film, but it’s happening now!

The colour, temperature, and intensity of the light changes automatically, following the varying hues of natural sunlight. You might not think it, but exposure to this artificial sunlight while we’re awake can have a massive effect, and can help to regulate our body’s release of melatonin (the sleep hormone), in the evening. Some of these systems can even sync with our schedules, making sure that the lighting aligns with our natural circadian rhythm.

If you want to go all out, then “circadian-friendly” apps are starting to come to the fore, guiding people through different routines that go hand in hand with their individual circadian preferences. These apps offer suggestions for different activities, meals, and exposure to natural light, offering a wider view and approach to circadian rhythm optimisation.

3. Sleep-tech integration

A break down of the different mattress technologies and their purpose within the iGel Advance 1600i temperature regulating mattress


Sleep-tech is now a thing. It always has been to a degree, but this is borderline space-age. For example, smart pillows with sensors and adjustable layers, are going from strength to strength as technology improves. These pillows can actually detect changes in our sleep positions and adjust their firmness to give us better neck and head support. Crazy talk!

Then there's mattress and bedding technologies such as temperature-regulation to ensure that your body maintains an optimal sleep temperature all night long. These clever bedtime products withdraw body heat and preserve it, ready to be released when it's needed.

Another sleep-tech advancement is in ambient technologies. Smart speakers aren’t just playing soothing sounds anymore; they are creating totally adaptive soundscapes that can actually respond to the our movements, or even disturbances in the bedroom. Some of these systems can analyse sleep patterns too, and adjust the ambient conditions in the room, like temperature or humidity to create an ideal sleep microclimate. 

Wearable tech is definitely nothing particularly new, but brand new innovations in this sleep tech is going to new heights. Some devices can now use biofeedback mechanisms to ever-so gently wake the wearer during their lightest sleep phase, they can offer personalised guided meditation sessions which naturally promotes relaxation before we drift off. Things are getting pretty crazy in this area, and we’re apparently all about it in 2024!

4. Biorhythm-driven bedtime rituals

A photo of a woman sat on an exercise bench with a water bottle in her hand. Biorhythm graphics are overlaid for visual representation.


We all know that everyone’s body operates on its own unique biological clock, or “biorhythm”. Apps and devices can now use algorithms to analyse these biorhythms. These insights can pave the way for tailored bedtime rituals and routines, that cater to an individual's specific needs. Honest.

Bedtime ritual apps, can use the data gathered from analysing these biorhythms, and give us recommendations for activities we can do to leading up to bedtime, to improve our slumber. This could include relaxation exercises tailored to you, breathing techniques, or guided meditations, all of which have been proven to improve our state of mind prior to sleep. By taking part in these activities parallel with the body clock’s natural ebb and flow, people have seen a real improvement in their ability to get a good night’s rest, more consistently. 

5. The rise of sleep retreats

A bed outdoors in the woods surrounded by trees. Candles lie on bedside tables constructed from natural wood and the bed is filled with tactile bedding and cushions to promote the concept of sleep wellness.


Retreats in general aren’t an especially new thing, ones specifically targeting sleep however, are on the rise this year. As a society, we have started to understand and acknowledge the role that sleep plays when it comes to our overall health, and these sleep retreats provide somewhat of a sanctuary for people looking for a bit of a reset, and improve their sleep habits. Usually located in serene settings, these retreats tend to offer a range of services, aimed at changing your routines and habits, and to hopefully give you a better night’s sleep going forward.

The activities available at these places range from mindfulness practices, and meditation sessions, to workshops given by experts on sleep hygiene. It’s not just about the physical experience of sleep ether, but also the mental and emotional aspects of it too, and how it all adds up to one hopefully restful night. The aim is for people who have attended these retreats, to effectively leave with a toolbox of methods that will improve their nightly rest.

6. Eco-friendly sleep products

A breakdown of the inner makeup of the eco friendly mattress used on the Hypnos Luxurious Earth 04 Divan Bed Set On Castors


In 2024, we are more conscious of our effects on the environment than ever and have an ever-growing awareness around ways we can help this cause. This focus on sustainable problem solving extends to the bedroom too, as we have seen a surge in the use of eco-friendly sleep products. Manufacturers are noticing this trend too, and are also aware that they need to be part of the solution, not the problem; they are therefore catering more and more to the needs of customers in this area. Mattresses for example, are being made from materials like organic cotton, natural latex, and sustainably sourced wood. At Bensons, we have a wide range of eco-conscious products, like the brand new Slumberland Naturals range, which you can see here.

Bedding options are also evolving, with a shift to eco-friendly fabrics like bamboo, Tencel, and recycled materials. These sustainable options don’t just help us when it comes to saving the planet, but tend to give us a better user experience too, as they can be naturally moisture wicking, gentle to the skin, and breathable. Not too shabby!

Pillows, duvets and even bed bases have made an appearance in this growing market, and it’s giving people more options than ever before. It’s everyone’s collective responsibility to make sure we nurture and cherish our planet, for future generations, and now the consumer has an opportunity to make a difference even while they sleep, you can see how this is a trend!

7. Sleep hygiene education


A collection of elements that can be worked into good sleep hygiene including herbal tea, and alarm clock, a sleep mask, and a sleep journal.

We have a better understanding now more than ever, about the benefits that sleep has on the human body and mind. This is in part due to improvements and advances in technology of course, but also due to the ability to find expert advice on the subject, including workshops and courses.

Employers are now beginning to introduce wellness programmes into their benefit packages, some of which are specifically aimed at improving our sleep. This is because they know just how profoundly sleep or a lack thereof can have on an employee's productivity levels and overall job performance. Schools are starting to bring sleep education into their curricula, making sure the next generation knows just how vital good sleep hygiene is. Healthcare providers are also offering patient education, giving advice on sleep disorders, and informing people about the importance of our sleep schedules.

Raising awareness can only be a good thing. The fact that we can freely educate ourselves about how to improve such a massive area of our lives is so beneficial, and again, we can see how this has become such a popular trend this year.

8. Digital detox before bed

Digital detox written in the sand as the tide goes out.


More and more research is being released about the negative effect that excessive screen time can have on sleep quality, and 2024 sees a growing trend toward digital detox before bedtime. And no wonder! Smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices emit blue light, which interferes with the body's natural production of melatonin. Not good…

To counteract this, many tech manufacturers have started to build in the capability for the devices to give off less blue light, and can actually change the hues emitted by the screen. Often, there are also built-in screen use timers, which can physically limit the amount of time we use our devices, if self-control isn’t your forte! Apps have also been developed with these capabilities, and are a useful way of ensuring you don’t over stimulate the brain before bedtime. They say there’s an app for everything, and we’re starting to see that! This “blue light conscious” mindset has also produced a number of viable alternatives, like reading an e-book in night mode, listening to calming music or podcasts, or maybe doing some mindfulness or relaxation exercises. This digital detox trend is all about making sure we create an environment where we can sleep soundly, allowing us to wind down naturally. Bliss…

9. Sleep supplements

A white tablet container with a scattering of sleep supplements and a glass of water positioned next to it. The background is a child-like night time image featuring stars and a crescent moon against a deep teal-blue background.


In 2024, we have more of an awareness about so many different things, not just sleep, but also the effect that nutrition can have on our bodies, and on our ability to slumber peacefully. This has led to a surge in popularity of sleep supplements, generally containing ingredients that can harness the power of mother nature, and help us settle down for the night. Lovely stuff!

Melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate our sleep-wake cycles is often a key component in a range of sleep supplements; by balancing the levels of this hormone in the body, it is possible to notice a marked difference in our ability to sleep. Magnesium, which is an essential mineral anyway, also supports relaxation, and is often included in supplements to help us reach a state of calm. Herbal extracts like valerian root, chamomile, and passionflower, are also common ingredients people have used for many years, and have been shown to calm the body. 

These supplements come in many many forms, including capsules, gummies, and powders, and are widely available. As you probably guessed, sleep supplements aren’t supposed to replace regular sleep hygiene practises, but they can definitely be helpful, especially if you’re finding drifting off a struggle. You might also consider consulting your GP if you’re concerned about your lack of sleep, or the effects that sleep supplements and natural sleep remedies may have.

10. Sleep mocktails

A cranberry sleep mocktail sat beside a sleep mask on a white washed wooden surface.


In 2024, we seem to be busier than ever. Our work/life balance can at times feel like the scales have tipped in the wrong direction, and unfortunately for many of us, a good night’s sleep can often feel like a luxury. TikTok has been the tip of the spear for so many viral videos, and people often go to the platform to get advice on a variety of subjects. One such viral videos contained a tip for better sleep, the “sleepy girl mocktail”. This beverage consists of tart cherry juice, magnesium glycinate powder, and soda water. Sounds simple enough! And this was just one recipe that has flooded the internet.

While the “sleepy girl mocktail” may be a good non-alcoholic nightcap, does it actually work? The science behind the drink hasn’t proven its benefit to sleep as of right now. If you’re looking for something to add to your night time routine that could actually help you however, then here are some ideas of things to try:

Using ingredients like lavender, lemon balm, and passionflower are a great place to start. These little wonders don’t just taste great when added to a drink, but they have been shown to positively benefit people’s ability to drift off! Obviously avoiding alcohol, so there aren’t any adverse effects throughout the night, or any nasty hangovers the next day.

This is not just about the ingredients though, sipping on one of these beautiful beverages as part of your evening routine could send signals to your brain that you are getting ready to wind down. Habits play a huge role in good sleep hygiene, and being consistent is key. Serving yourself a delicious yet calming drink before bed might just be the thing for you!

Sleep Trends: Our Conclusion

We will stop at practically nothing to make sure we get a good night’s sleep. It’s more than just something we do, it’s critically important to our wellbeing, both physically and mentally. When things begin to “trend”, they tend to do so for a reason. Now we aren’t suggesting you go out and do everything you see others doing, especially if it’s been found online, but it’s worth taking note of things that seem to work for others, and considering where it might fit in your own life.

These ten trends that we have listed, are just a few examples of things that seem to be popular this year, and as technology and research advances, there are likely to be more and more things that come up that people will do to make sure they get the sleep they deserve. If you find quality sleep to be somewhat elusive, then why not give some of these a try? They may just be the thing you need.

Chris Hardy - Product Copywriter