Sleep Crystals: Do They Really Work?

Posted by Rachel Marshall - Brand Manager on 6th Jul 2023

Sleep Crystals: Do They Really Work?

We look at the various benefits of using sleep crystals and salt lamps to aid sleep and whether they actually work.

Many people claim that there are various benefits to using sleep crystals. So, while there isn’t currently any scientific evidence to support these claims, we thought it worthwhile to investigate further.

From sleep crystals such as amethyst and angelite to more usual option you might not have heard of, there are many natural sleep-enhancing remedies around. And many users do believe they actually improve their ability to fall asleep and get a better-quality night’s sleep too.

Will sleep crystals work for you? Let’s find out.

In the foreground a crystal lies on a bedside table. In the background is a slightly blurred woman asleep on her bed.

Which crystals are said to help with sleep?

There are many different types of crystals that are believed to help with sleep. Again, we’ll reiterate that there is no scientific evidence to back up these claims at present. But, here’s a handful of crystals you can try out at home if you like. Why not make your own mind up about whether sleep crystals help or not?


Amethyst is widely regarded as the best crystal for sleep. Amethyst is a purple quartz stone that is believed to boost spiritual wisdom, provide protection and help with addiction. But, many believe it can also help with sleep. But it does not work for everyone (1). In fact, many lighter sleepers claim to find amethyst more of a hindrance than a help where sleep is concerned.

Amethyst is believed to channel its healing energy to rid you of insomnia. It is thought that this feeds into your dreams, which in turn promotes a deeper sleep.


Angelite is a crystal that is known as the “Stone of Awareness”. This crystal is believed to exude a calming energy which, for some, can encourage a sense of inner peace. It is because of this belief that angelite is thought to trigger a rejuvenating sleep. By easing and feelings of anxiety or fear, this sleep crystal should ensure that sleep comes more easily. Or that’s the idea anyway.

Angelite is also believed to help you recall your dreams too (2).


Moonstone is another popular sleep crystal you can try out at home. Moonstone is widely believed to help with any emotional issues. So, it stands to reason that if emotional tension is keeping you up at night, this sleep crystal is your ideal.

Moonstone is also referred to as the stone of new beginnings. So, if you find yourself at a period of transition in your life, it could help you drift off to sleep more easily (3).

Moonstone can also be used with other crystals, like the grounding stone tourmaline for extra comfort and calm at night. Furthermore, moonstone is a gentler stone for helping you dream.


Lepidolite is a sleep crystal that is also referred to as the “Peace Stone”. This is believed to be a soothing and calming crystal which is what makes it a go-to for sleep solutions seekers. Lepidolite is also accredited to boost your mood.

Sleeping beside lepidolite is believed to ease your worries which in turn enables you to wake up each morning feeling positive and refreshed. This sleep crystal has also been accredited with protection against nightmares and relieving the difficulty of falling asleep (4).

Rose Quartz and Smoky Quartz

Rose quartz and smoky quartz are two types of quartz crystal that are widely used for help with sleep.

Rose quartz is known as a feel-good crystal. It is widely believed to promote love, be that self-love or love for others. It is also accredited to helping you fall asleep and stay asleep too. Rose quartz channels calming, relaxing energies which should help you let go of your worries as you drift off (5).

Smoky quartz is also believed to be a great sleep aid. This crystal helps to keep you grounded, which helps to banish any negative energies surrounding you. But, many also say that smoky quartz is the source of lucid dreams (6).

How do you use crystals to help with sleep?

There are two common ways in which you can use sleep crystals. These are:

  • Under your pillow. If you are using a tumbled (ergo smooth) sleep crystal, popping in under your pillow while you drift off is the most common method of use (7).
  • On your bedside table. If you are drawn to sleep crystals in their raw (or un-tumbled) form, it isn’t recommended to pop these under you pillow. This is mainly due their sharp and jagged edges – we wouldn’t want you to do yourself an injury! Raw crystals are believed to achieve the same effect when placed on your bedside table or at the foot of your bed (8).

Another technique that some sleep crystal users opt for is placing it under their mattress or under their bedframes. However you choose to use your sleep crystal is entirely up to you.

Which crystals are good for both period pain and sleep?

There are two main crystals that are said to be helpful in easing the symptoms of period pain and improving your sleep. Read on to learn which sleep crystals could help on multiple levels in your life. You can also find out more about what’s different about women’s sleep here.

Rose quartz

Rose quartz is pink in colour and why it is widely believed to help with sleep above is explained above. But, rose quartz is also believed to help minimise the pain caused by menstrual cramps too.

To use rose quartz to ease symptoms of period pain, place the crystal directly on the areas in which the pain or discomfort can be felt. Carrying the stone with you could also potentially help to keep the symptoms eased throughout the day (9).


While we’ve already discussed the beliefs that link moonstone and sleep, it’s also important to highlight that many also believe that moonstone has the power to ease period pain. Moonstone is said to be deeply rooted in feminine moon energy. The claims that it is great at stabilising moods and provides a calming influence is what makes this particular sleep crystal a go-to for many during their menstrual cycle (10).

What does amethyst do?

Aside from the sleep-related benefits that amethyst is believed to offer, there are a whole host of other healing properties this purple quartz stone is accredited for. Read on to learn more.

Amethyst is thought to be both powerful and protective. It is also believed to be a natural tranquiliser that relieves stress, eases irritability, balances mood swings, assuages anger, and alleviates sadness. Amethyst is also said to enhances psychic abilities.

With its perceived healing and cleansing powers, Amethyst is widely believed to encourage sobriety. Many use amethyst in their alcohol, drugs or other addiction-based battles. Some feel that is helps to both quieten and stimulate the mind, increasing focus, and enhancing motivation.

And that’s not all the benefits that Amethyst boasts. It is also said to boost hormone production, which can in turn boost your metabolism and help you lose weight. It is also believed to strengthen your immune system, helping to minimise pain (11).

Should I use sleep crystals?

Well, choosing whether or not to use sleep crystals is a personal decision. There is no right or wrong answer to this question and, in reality, there is no downside to using sleep crystals. They will either work for you, or they won’t.

Do sleep crystals actually help?

Many people fully believe in the healing properties of sleep crystals. But it’s also true that they don’t work for everyone. Again, we’d say there’s no harm in trying them out if you’ve been curious about whether they would work for you.

And if you’re looking for some science-backed, better-sleep solutions, check out our Sleep: Back to Basics blog post written by our resident sleep expert Dr Sophie Bostock.


  1. 21 Best Crystals for Sleep, Insomnia and Dreams (Updated 2023) | Healing Crystals Co.
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Rachel Marshall
Brand Manager
Rachel has worked at Bensons for Beds for 4 years and has almost 20 year’s experience in marketing. In her role at Bensons, Rachel looks after all things brand including PR, brand communications, brand identity, brand partnerships and new product launches.
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