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National Dog Day: The Breeds Most Likely To Take Over The Bed

Rachel MarshallRachel Marshall
August 10, 2022

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To celebrate National Dog Day this year, we decided to ask Britain about how much space their dog takes up on the bed – if and when they’re lucky enough to be allowed in!

After asking one thousand Brits, our data revealed the top ten dog breeds renowned for taking over the human bed. 

Top Ten Dog Breeds Most Likely To Take Up Bed Space

  1. Cocker Spaniel
  2. Beagle
  3. Miniature Schnauzer
  4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  5. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  6. Shih Tzu
  7. Boxer
  8. Hungarian Vizsla
  9. Dachshund (Mini or Regular)
  10. English Springer Spaniel

Our survey revealed cocker spaniels are the breed most likely to take up space in the bed, averaging the equivalent of 14 nights in a month - that’s almost 50% of the time!

That’s right! If you’re a spaniel owner then we can imagine you don’t get a look in for bed space when it comes to cuddling time with the pooch, with spaniels taking up a third of the top ten list in total.

Coming in second, third, fourth and fifth beagles, miniature schnauzers, cavalier King Charles spaniels and Staffordshire bull terriers averaged the equivalent of 11 nights in the big bed in a single month. Other household breeds that ranked in the top twenty included labradors, pugs, golden retrievers and bulldogs.

Dog wrapped in a blanket

How To Dog-Proof Your Bedroom

Whilst sleep experts advise you to try to keep your dogs away from your sleeping space, we know it can sometimes be hard to say no. Here are our top tips on making sure your bedroom is pet-proofed!

Get BedGuard™ Insurance

Especially important if you’re house training a puppy, waterproof mattress protectors add an extra layer of protection to ensure no accidents make their way to the mattress.

Use a Waterproof Mattress Protector

Especially important if you’re house training a puppy, waterproof mattress protectors add an extra layer of protection to ensure no accidents make their way to the mattress. 

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Add a Pet-Only Blanket

If you’re fighting a losing battle keeping your dog from the bed - as the results of our survey show many are - then try and create a pet-only space on the bed using a designated blanket. This makes it easier to clean and keeps them away from your sleeping space.

Clean Your Bedding Regularly

Whilst it may seem obvious, it’s especially important to deep clean your bedding and mattress even more regularly if you’re a dog owner. This stops dust from building up and eliminates any risk of dirt and grime build-up. For more tips on cleaning your mattress, check out our guide on How To Clean and Care For Your Mattress.

Size Up!

If trying to get the right amount of space in your bed is a constant battle with your pup, then maybe it’s time to think bigger. Our super king-size beds are ideal to ensure everyone has a fair share of the bed - human or dog!

For getting more tips and tricks for a good night’s sleep - whatever your circumstances - check out our  Sleep Hub for expert tips on sleeping well. 

Survey results:

What breed of dog(s) do you own? Select all that apply.

Labrador 138/13.8% 

French Bulldog 43/4.3% 

Cocker Spaniel 70/7.0% 

Bulldog 42/4.2% 

Dachshund (mini or regular) 40/4.0% 

English Springer Spaniel 58/5.8% 

Golden Retriever 75/7.5% 

German Shepherd 90/9.0% 

Pug 53/5.3% 

Staffordshire Bull Terrier 46/4.6% 

Miniature Schnauzer 23/2.3% 

Border Terrier 54/5.4% 

Whippet 28/2.8% 

Boxer 35/3.5% 

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 29/2.9% 

Hungarian Vizsla 24/2.4% 

Shih Tzu 44/4.4% 

Rottweiler 35/3.5% 

Beagle 45/4.5% 

German Shorthaired Pointer 25/2.5% 

Other (please specify) 216/21.6% 

Total 1,000/100%

Rachel Marshall - Brand Manager