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Kids' Bedroom Ideas and Design Tips

Pam JohnsonPam Johnson
December 9, 2022

How much thought do you really put into your kid's bedroom design?

Bedrooms are a place of personal retreat, so it’s not unusual for all members of the family, including your kids, to want to put their stamp on their own bedroom.

If you’re completely flummoxed when it comes to how to design your kid’s bedroom, we’re here to assist with some great kids' bedroom design ideas.

Enjoy our great science-backed bedroom ideas and design tips which you can use when designing your kids’ bedrooms.

Scientific research on Children’s Bedroom Design

A glowing lightbulb sits on the open pages of a book and emits sprinkles of light. A constellation of light expands across the centre of the black background.

According to our recent Insta Poll, almost half of you think that kids should have a say in their bedroom décor, and as early as 5 years old. Now, “having a say” can vary greatly from handing them a paint brush and letting them get stuck in, to the rather less messy option of just allowing them some say in the colour scheme.

If you’re firmly with the 5% of Insta Poll participants that think children should have no say whatsoever when it comes to the design of their sleeping space, you may want to think again:

A study (1) on the “ Developmental Implications of Children Bedroom” (sic)…investigated the impact of adults choosing what furniture and design choices go into kids’ bedrooms on children’s learning and development.

Interestingly, the study concluded that:

“In addition to functional requirements of the children’s spaces…They (adults) must ensure that the child likes its housing environment.”

The study goes on to say that in designing a child’s room, you need to consider their need for self-recognition and creativity and allow them to use and develop their imaginations. According to the study, these elements are important in order for a child to positively develop.

This could mean that the 64% of you from our Insta Poll that vetoed free reign when it comes to colour choices, may want to join the 36% who said anything goes!

Bedroom ideas for your kid’s bedroom

Jupiter Wooden Midsleeper Set

Jupiter Wooden Midsleeper Set

Choosing the best kid’s bed

The above study suggests that a dull and disorganised bedroom gives children the impression that they are not valued or respected. One way to make sure your children’s bedrooms are far from dull but are still organised is to invest in the appropriate kid's bed.

Stylish kids’ beds with storage

Now, just because you’re being sensible and buying a bed with storage, it doesn’t mean you have to compromise on style. The Jupiter Wooden Midsleeper Set, for example, is available in a choice of Grey Oak or White and has loads of interesting storage spaces. Toys and books can live happily on the recessed shelves, and your little creatives can unleash their writing and drawing skills while sitting at the pull-out desk. With so many nooks and crannies in which to tidy away their bits and bobs, there’s definitely no excuse for a disorganised bedroom with this child’s bed.

Keeping with the planetary theme, consider the Saturn Wooden Midsleeper Kid’s Bed, which offers even more storage. This two-tone bed has drawers as well as shelves so your child can choose what they want things they want to display and what they’d prefer to keep stashed away.

Finding the best kid's mattress

Sleep is so important for the growth and development of your child. (2 )According to The Sleep Charity, having a good night’s sleep can help your child do better at school, increase their ability to learn, and can also improve their immunity against minor ailments. Sleep is also the time your child grows physically: as they sleep, children release a growth hormone, and if sleep is disrupted, their growth can be affected. (3)

One of the ways in which you can ensure your child is sleeping well, is by making sure they have a supportive and comfortable bed and mattress.

According to our Insta Poll, most of you replace your child’s mattress every five years or more. But does the mattress you bought when your child was just out of their toddler bed provide the required support now they are much older?

We’ve teamed up with Jay-Be, specialists in children’s mattresses, to create a range of kids’ mattresses, specifically designed to support children as they grow.

Jay-Be Dual Support kid’s Mattress Collection

Jay-Be Dual Support E-Sprung Roll-Up Mattress

Jay-Be Dual Support E-Sprung Roll-Up Mattress

This clever kids’ mattress collection provides support as your child grows. For a younger, lighter child, support is provided by the micro-spring and filling layer. As your child grows and becomes heavier, the core springs, along with the micro-springs and filling layer gives the boosted support needed. Find out more by checking out the Jay-Be Dual Support Child’s Mattress Collection.

Shop Jay-Be Dual Support Mattress

Jay-Be Graffiti Art Kid’s Mattress Range

Jay-Be Graffiti Art E-Pocket Roll Up Mattress

Jay-Be Graffiti Art E-Pocket Roll Up Mattress

This is one funky kids’ mattress collection. Decorated with stylish graffiti art, these cool kid’s mattresses provide excellent support to give your children the great night’s sleep they need. The Graffiti Art e-pocket mattresses and the Graffiti Art e-Sprung mattresses are great for Bensons bunks. The Graffiti Art mattresses are a fab choice for your kid’s single bed.

Shop Jay-Be Graffiti Art Mattress

Small bedroom ideas

Julien Bowen Trio Wooden Bed Frame

Julien Bowen Trio Wooden Bed Frame

Ever heard of a bunk room? As the name suggests, it’s a room dedicated to bunk beds, and it doesn’t always have to be just for kids’ bedrooms. Good Housekeeping (4) highlighted designer, Regan Baker’s gorgeous bunkbed bedroom design (1) and how it was created to host grandparents. If you’ve a small guestroom, or even if your child’s bedroom is on the small side, bunk beds are a fab idea.

So, what kind of bunk bed should you consider?

The triple bunk bed

Truly the stuff of large family dreams, the triple bunk bed works perfectly when you’ve tall ceilings but not much ground space. For a sturdy and stylish triple sleeper bunk bed, we recommend the Julian Bowen Trip Wooden Bunk Bed Frame. This is great for sleepovers, family get-togethers, and for larger families.

Shop Bunk Beds

Triple Sleepers

A triple sleeper with a small double bed at the bottom and a single bed at the top makes for a fun, cosy slumber party. The Domino Wooden Triple Sleep has handy shelves for the kids to store their games, toys – and midnight snacks, and is available in grey or white to suit your kids’ tastes. As the bottom bunk is the size of a small double bed, rather than a full-size double bed, it provides ample space for a couple of kids without taking up lots of floor space.

What colours are best for my child’s bedroom?

four children sit in a white studio. They are covered in splashes of paint as is the wall an floor of the studio.

Colours and their names are one of the very first things we teach our children. It’s therefore hardly surprising that many children then grow to be enthralled by them and to love all things colourful. However, before you decorate your kid's bedroom in all the colours of the rainbow, it's worth noting that colours can actually have an effect on mood, and not just in children. According to, colours can affect temperament, length and quality of attention span, and also communication. (5)

Colours and neurodiversity

Their research suggests that colours such as red, orange and yellow are particularly stimulating. These colours would then be a good choice for children who aren’t stimulated by external sources. However, these hues may not be the right choice for children who are impacted by external stimuli, such as those with ADHD.

Relaxing colours for a child’s bedroom suggests that colours such as blue, grey and green can bring about a sense of calmness. As the bedroom is a place you want your child to relax, these kinds of colours would be a great choice.

Grey Children’s Beds

Stompa Auburn Wooden Midsleeper in Grey

Stompa Auburn Wooden Midsleeper in Grey

We have several beds for kids available in relaxing shades of grey, including:

Allowing your child to choose the colours for the bedroom

Let’s not forget what the Developmental Implications study concluded, and that it’s important to allow children to express their own preferences when it comes to their personal space. Some children can have very definite preferences for specific colours, and Disabled Living highlights a great way to ascertain these preferences. For non-verbal, or younger children, you can set out a bowl filled with colourful objects and allow the child to select the ones they like. This way you will know which colours your child would prefer to see in their room’s colour scheme.

Kids' Bedroom Ideas at Bensons

Take a look at our entire range of children’s beds and mattresses and give your child a bedroom they’ll love. Shop online, instore, or by giving us a call on 0808 144 6160 today.


  1. (1)

    (2)Children - The Sleep Charity

    (3)How Sleep Problems Affect Growth Hormone in Children (

    (4)70 Stylish Bedroom Design Ideas, Decorating Tips, and Examples (

    (5)Colours vs. Special Needs Individuals: What You Need to Know (

Instagram poll results of poll conducted November 2022:

What age is the right age to allow a child to choose the décor for their bedroom?

5-8 (75) 47%

9-12 (62) 39%

13 + (15) 9%

Never! (8) 5%

Are any colours or designs out of bounds/vetoed or are they free to design it how they like?

Free reign (50) 36%

I have vetoes (87) 64%

How often do you decorate your child’s room?

Every year (5) 4%

Every 2-5 of years (119) 88%

You don’t, it’s the same as it was when you first moved in (12) 9%

How often do you buy a new mattress for your child’s bed?

Between 2-5 years (28) 21%

After 5 years or more (87) 64%

Every time you buy a new bed? (20) 15%

How often do you buy a new bed for your child?

Every 2- 5 years (32) 23%

After 5 years or more (109) 77%

Pam Johnson - Head of Buying