What to do this Twixmas: Making the Most of the Week Between Christmas and New Year

Oooooh, the peculiar no-man’s-land between Christmas and New Year—a stretch of time that feels both festive and faintly bewildering. The turkey’s been eaten (and possibly transformed into every conceivable leftover dish), the Christmas jumpers are starting to look a little tired, and you’re wondering how it’s possible to feel both completely stuffed and oddly peckish at the same time. But fret not! This period, affectionately dubbed "Twixmas," is the perfect time to indulge in activities you might otherwise neglect. Let’s dive into the best ways to spend these liminal days.
1. Embrace the art of doing absolutely nothing
Let’s start with the obvious: lounging... You’ve likely spent the lead-up to Christmas in a frenzy of shopping, wrapping, and navigating the social minefield of office Secret Santa. Now’s the time to sink into your sofa and embrace the guilt-free sloth life. Pyjamas all day? Absolutely. A box of Quality Street within arm’s reach? Essential. Bonus points if you’re double-screening a festive film and aimlessly scrolling through social media.
2. Conduct a thorough fridge audit
Twixmas is prime time for discovering forgotten items lurking in your fridge. That cranberry sauce? Still good. The half-eaten wedge of Stilton? Probably fine. The mystery foil-wrapped object? Approach with caution. Turn this into a game by concocting meals from your findings; who knows, maybe you’ll invent “Brussels sprout surprise”—though the surprise may well be how bad it tastes.
3. Take a walk
Use this time to embrace the Great British Tradition of dragging yourself out for a walk in the freezing cold. Whether you’re stomping through a local park or scaling a modest hill, the crisp air and occasional patch of sunshine will do wonders for your mood—even if you’re secretly wishing you’d stayed indoors.
4. Box set binges and bookish bliss
Twixmas is practically designed for binging. That TV series everyone’s been raving about? Now’s your chance to watch the whole thing in one go! Alternatively, dust off that book you’ve been meaning to read since last Twixmas; curl up with a hot chocolate (or mulled wine, no judgement here) and lose yourself in another world—preferably one with fewer leftover parsnips.
5. Channel your inner Marie Kondo
For the more industrious among us, Twixmas can be a time for decluttering. Sort through your wardrobe, clear out the junk drawer, or finally tackle the cupboard under the stairs. If something doesn’t spark joy, thank it for its service and donate it to charity. This newfound order will make you feel great too—at least until you realise you’ve just made room for all the Christmas gifts you’ve yet to put away.
6. Rekindle old friendships
Between Christmas and New Year, everyone is in a similar state of semi-hibernation, making it the ideal time to reconnect. Send a cheery message to that friend you haven’t seen in ages. Even better, arrange a low-key meet-up for a coffee or a pint. If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, host a games night and break out the Monopoly—though be prepared for it to end in fiery arguments over property deals.
7. Experiment in the kitchen
Feeling adventurous? Use this downtime to try out a new recipe. With cupboards bursting with festive ingredients, the possibilities are endless. Homemade mince pies, experimental cocktails, or even a quirky twist on turkey curry—get creative! Just remember: any culinary disaster can always be salvaged with extra cheese or whipped cream (though not at the same time, unless you’re feeling very bold).
8. Plan your New Year’s resolutions
Love them or loathe them, New Year’s resolutions are hard to ignore. Use Twixmas to reflect on the past year and set some achievable goals for the next. Want to get fitter? Brilliant. Fancy learning a new skill? Excellent. Planning to eat fewer biscuits? Admirable, but let’s be realistic—there’s still half a tin of shortbread left.
9. Explore the sales (online or otherwise)
If you’ve still got some Christmas money burning a hole in your pocket, the Twixmas sales beckon. Whether you’re braving the high street or browsing from the comfort of your duvet, there are bargains to be had. Pro tip: don’t get distracted by “70% off” signs and end up buying something you don’t need. That’s how you end up with a sparkly reindeer jumper in February.
10. Indulge in a little self-care
Twixmas is a brilliant time to focus on yourself. Run a bubble bath, relax a face mask, and unwind with some relaxing music. Whether it’s yoga, meditation, or simply lying flat on the carpet and contemplating the universe, take a moment to recharge. After all, New Year’s Eve is just around the corner, and you’ll need your energy for the celebrations (or for staying up until midnight and immediately going to bed).
11. Take a social media detox
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by everyone’s “perfect” Christmas snaps, consider taking a break from social media. Alternatively, lean into it and share your own Twixmas antics. Whether it’s your latest culinary triumph or a photo of your dog wearing a Santa hat, spread some joy—or at least give people something to chuckle at.
12. Dive into a new hobby
Been meaning to pick up knitting, watercolour painting, or learning the ukulele? Twixmas is the perfect time to start. With no pressure to be productive, you can dabble in something new without worrying about the outcome. Who cares if your scarf is wonky or your rendition of “Jingle Bells” makes the cat leave the room? It’s all part of the fun.
13. Relive the year’s highlights
Gather the family for a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Scroll through photos, share your funniest moments, and celebrate your achievements from the past year. If things got a bit dicey in 2024, focus on the little victories—like finally figuring out how to use that fancy coffee machine or surviving a family game of charades.
14. Have a mini clear-out before the New Year
Twixmas is a great time to shed some of the physical and metaphorical baggage you’ve been carrying. Tackle your inbox, organise your digital photos, or delete apps you haven’t used in months. Starting the New Year with a clean slate will feel oddly satisfying—and give you the illusion of having your life together.
15. Prepare for New Year’s Eve
Finally, use Twixmas to plan your New Year’s Eve festivities. Whether you’re hosting a party, heading to a local event, or keeping it low-key at home, now’s the time to get organised. Stock up on snacks, choose your outfit (even if it’s just your fanciest pyjamas), and practise your best rendition of “Auld Lang Syne.”
The Twixmas takeaway
The days between Christmas and New Year don’t have to be a confusing void. Whether you’re embracing laziness, reconnecting with loved ones, or embarking on a spontaneous adventure, this is your chance to savour the festive season before the New Year’s resolutions kick in. So, go forth and make the most of Twixmas—even if that just means finishing off the last of the Christmas chocolates. Cheers!