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​Earth Day: Eco Beds and Mattresses to Help Take Better Care of Our Planet

Emma CarltonEmma Carlton
April 19, 2024
April 22nd marks Earth Day, a day intended to remind us all of just how important it is to have respect for and take care of our planet. Since 1970, Earth Day has brought people across the planet together to call for a solution to the climate crisis and to find a more Earth-friendly way of living. However, for most of us, Earth Day will come and go with little fanfare -we’re willing to bet you’ve uttered the words ‘but what can I really do?’ (we know that we have). While we as individuals can’t stop climate change single-handedly, we can each do our bit. And all those little things? Well, if we all get on board they’ll add up to one big, environment-changing thing.

They say charity begins at home and we think that taking better care of the world does too. Allow us to help you find the best ways to eco-fy your sleeping situation with eco-friendly mattress options, eco bed designs and other green ideas for a bedroom that can make every day Earth Day.

Why an eco friendly bed is important for you and for the planet

Jay-Be Graffiti Art Deep E-Pocket Eco-Conscious Mattress


From groceries to furniture to cars and clothing, shopping more sustainably is something most of us try to do wherever we can these days. After all, when we shop green we know that we’re doing a little something to make the world a better place. The bonus? We get to feel a tad smug about our saintly purchases too. And that’s not all…

Eco friendly beds are more likely to contain hypoallergenic and non-toxic materials

Many mattresses are manufactured using manmade fibres, as well as chemicals, some of which can cause irritation to those who have sensitivities. When it comes to eco-friendly mattresses you’ll ordinarily see a pretty comprehensive list of the materials used in their construction. Usually those materials are easy to understand too – recycled polyester, wool, latex - things that make much more sense than triacetate and polyamide.

Eco friendly mattresses can provide some health benefits

Some eco-friendly beds are often constructed using natural materials which offer less space in which mites and bed bugs can make their itchy little homes. When properly cared for, tend to be less prone to mould, mildew and bacteria. Which means a cleaner, moisture-free sleeping surface less likely to cause flare ups of conditions like asthma, eczema and dermatitis.

An eco bed could mean more comfortable sleep

From soft, soft silk to cosy, fleecy wool, sleeping on a supportive mattress could help you to finally enjoy the perfect night’s sleep that you’ve always dreamed of. The right mattress should be properly supportive and free from chemical odours, and all with the added peace of mind that comes from having done a good thing for the world around you. One of the chief benefits of materials such as wool, latex and bamboo is that they offer excellent temperature regulation. Which means that an eco-friendly bed can help to keep you cool and offer effective moisture wicking action during tropical summer nights while also providing warm, comfortable cosiness when the temperature drops.

Choosing an eco-friendly bed: what to look for

eve hybrid uno eco-conscious mattress


Going eco-friendly wherever you can is a no-brainer. After all, who wouldn’t choose to do right by the planet if they’re able? Eco-friendly, however, can mean different things to different people, making it hard to know just how green that bed you’re buying really is. To make shopping easier, here are just a few things to look out for:

Organic and natural fibres

When it comes to the materials that go into making a mattress, you’ll have a wealth of options to choose from and it isn’t always as easy as simply opting for natural over manmade. Generally speaking, organic fabrics will be more environmentally sound than non-organic. That’s because organic fibres are made without the use of harmful pesticides and fertilisers. Some of the materials to look out for include organic, unbleached cotton, which is a great choice for both filling and for mattress covers, and wool, which has a high natural fire resistance with no need for added chemicals. Fast growing bamboo, flax and hemp are also great choices, as are fillers like coconut coir. Natural latex, meanwhile, is the perfect choice for sleepers who need firm support. Hypoallergenic and long-lasting, natural latex is derived from tree sap from the rubber tree.

Recycled materials

As well as seeking out natural fibres, eco-conscious bed shoppers might like to keep eyes good and peeled for recycled bed components. Some eco mattresses will contain reclaimed fabrics, such as re-used Polyester reducing the need for newly produced mattress fillings and therefore giving your new bed excellent levels of eco-cred. Increasingly post-consumer plastics are used in mattress manufacture too, meaning that those pesky polluting plastic bottles that we just can’t seem to get away from can enjoy a new life as part of your bed. And why not? That plastic waste has to go somewhere until we can find a way to live without it.

Eco certifications

A sure fire way to guarantee that a new bed lives up to your ecological expectations is to check the small print before you buy. Like most household products, modern beds are subject to a whole raft of safety tests and compliances, which is why you might find ISO, BS and Kitemark certifications printed on labels and in product descriptions. There are also a variety of compliances specific to a mattress’s green credentials that are worth looking out for:

  • Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): products containing a minimum of 70% certified organic fibres can be labelled with the GOTS mark, with only those containing 95% or more suitable for labelling as organic grade.
  • OEKO-TEX: numerous OEKO-TEX standards exist, covering the manufacture, safety and social conscience of a product and its manufacturer.
  • FSC: when buying a complete bed with wood components look for the Forest Stewardship Council logo to ensure you’re purchasing responsibly farmed timber from ethical sources.
  • Valpak Zero Waste to Landfill: this certification tells you that the manufacturer of your mattress sends no waste to landfill.
  • All Bensons For Beds Mattresses are Made in The British Isles: buying a bed made here on British shores can mean less airmiles spent on getting it to you. However, it’s important to be aware that some components may be shipped in from overseas.

Shopping for an eco-conscious bed is about much more than your product choice

Silentnight Eco Pocket 1200 mattress


So, you’ve chosen to buy an eco-friendly bed? It’s a great first step. Before completing your purchase, you might also wish to take the following into consideration:

How you shop

Shopping online is the ideal way to minimise your carbon footprint. However, if you do choose to shop in person, allowing you to see and test out new beds in-person, consider taking public transport to your nearest Bensons for Beds showroom. Using a delivery service, rather than collecting purchases in person, is a good idea too. Those vans will be on the road anyway and drivers will usually choose a route that minimises wasted time on the road. Our delivery service includes the recycling of packaging and a pre-delivery call too.

Recycling your old mattress

We’ve all heard stories about the horrors that mattresses are wreaking when they find their way into landfills. So, while it may be tempting to chuck your crusty old bed in the nearest skip, taking advantage of a recycling service is by far the best thing you can do for the planet when it comes to your mattress upgrade. The good news is that by recycling with Bensons for Beds there’s no need for you to lift a finger.  For a reasonable fee, we’ll take away and recycle mattresses, divans, bed frames and headboards so you don’t need to give the damage your old bed could do another thought.

Donating unwanted furniture

Even better than recycling? Reusing! Almost everything else in your bedroom can be given a new life with someone who’ll love it all over again. We’ve partnered with the British Heart Foundation to make donating bedroom furniture, including mattresses that are clean and in good condition (and bearing an intact fire safety label), simple. So not only does your unloved bedroom furniture dodge landfill, you help to raise money for lifesaving heart care and research too.

Protecting your bed for a longer life

We know only too well the temptation to upgrade. However, our grandparents had it right when they learnt to make do and mend. Keeping your bed in great condition with regular cleaning and maintenance is a must to minimise waste and save you moneyProtection is also vital for bed longevity, so we recommend investing in a mattress protector and considering an insurance policy like BedGuard, which can provide you with access to professional repairs and cleaning if required, is a sensible idea as well. But remember to fully read through the BedGuard T’s and C’s before hand so that you know exactly what’s covered in the policy and what’s not!

Our best environmentally conscious mattress choices

Jay-Be Dual Support E-Pocket eco-conscious Mattress


Best for green luxury

Eco conscious and made with organic fibres, the Slumberland Natural Solutions 2000 mattress is the ultimate in guilt-free luxury. This bed incorporates approximately 15% recycled steel springs and a surface made with 75% recycled PET plastic and it’s treated with all natural Pro-bio. Even the packaging it’s delivered in is recycled and recyclable.

Greenest memory foam yet

Sleeping on memory foam doesn’t have to mean giving up your green hopes. The eve Hybrid Duo mattress is now made with a greener CertiPUR pressure-relief foam and the whole thing is fire retardant, reducing the need for additional chemicals. eve’s fully recyclable packaging contains 50% sugarcane and was winner of the Good Housekeeping Institute Getting Greener award for sustainable packaging too.

Best for allergies

Hypoallergenic, the Silentnight Eco 1000 Pocket mattress is the ideal choice for those prone to rashes, wheezing and worse. Making good use of recycled plastic, this ultra-comfortable mattress is UK made and quality assured. Alternatively, allergy sufferers may prefer to turn to latex, with many modern latex mattresses offering excellent eco-friendly credentials thanks to the named material in their makeup being derived from rubber trees.

Best for kids

Free of VOCs and 100% foam-free, the aim of the Jay-Be Graffiti Art Deep E-Pocket mattress is better for the environment and great for your kid’s health. This comfy bed is also made right here in the UK, giving you real peace of mind where quality is concerned.

What the term eco-friendly means to Bensons

In an effort to be more environmentally conscious, our eco-friendly mattresses are primarily made using recycled polyester. But many also contain natural fillings too. All of our eco-friendly mattresses will also be delivered to you in recyclable packaging.

Choosing Your Environmentally Conscious Bed with Bensons for Beds

Here at Bensons for Beds we’re committed to sustainability and, as such, we are busy working to implement our Bensons Together 2040 sustainability strategy. As part of this commitment we do our best to support you, our lovely customers, in enjoying environmentally-friendly slumber with a wide range of products suitable for more living.

Whether you’re shopping online or paying a visit to one of our showrooms you shouldn’t find it difficult to shop sustainably. Our greener products are described in detail and staff are on hand, in person or over the phone (just call 0808 144 6160), to guide you in the right direction. They’re also ready to answer any questions you might have about our partner manufacturers’ green credentials and the eco features of our products.



Emma Carlton - Buying and Merchandising Manager