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What Pam’s colleagues have to say about her…

Emma CarltonBuyer and Merchandising Manager

Emma Carlton

Pam has a wealth of experience within the bed industry, and this is reflected in the first class products she designs and develops. Pam is a superb ambassador for Bensons for Beds, working tirelessly with our suppliers to ensure we offer collections which provide our customers with solutions to a great night’s sleep.

Sarah HarrisHead of development

Sarah Harris

Pam is passionate & dedicated to ensuring that all of the products sold in Bensons for beds are of the very best quality, and have the very best features. Ensuring that every consumer need is met in terms of comfort, performance, style & optionality and price affordability.

The World’s Biggest Beds
January 18, 2023-Samantha Green

The World’s Biggest Beds

Which side of the fence do you fall on? Do you think small is beautiful? Or are you firmly in the bigger is better court? We think it’s all depends what you’re talking about. When it comes to a birthday present we believe that, more often than not, the best things come in [...]
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What's Most Important When Buying a Bed?
April 7, 2022-Samantha Green

What's Most Important When Buying a Bed?

We spend around 33% of our lives sleeping(1), so don’t we deserve to sleep in a bed we adore? Love your bed If you’re falling out of love with your bed (or find yourself actually falling out of your bed) there could be all sorts of reasons why things aren’t quite right. In this guide to What’s [...]
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​Our Favourite Morning Rituals
November 24, 2022-Samantha Green

​Our Favourite Morning Rituals

In This Article Loading... Do you ease into your mornings quietly contemplating the day ahead over a joyous cup of coffee? Or are you rushing around, frantically trying to get yourself (and the kids) ready on time? We were interested to learn more about how most people in the UK start their day, so, we surveyed over 1000 [...]
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