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Rachel Marshall

Brand Manager

Working at Bensons

How long have you worked at/with Bensons for? I have worked within Bensons for Beds for 4 years

Why Bensons?

Sleep is a fascinating subject, one that really interests me and I get to talk about it all day! Sleep is something that everybody needs and I enjoy getting content out there that can educate consumers and provide advice, from our sleep expert, that can help people looking to improve their sleep.


What do you specialise in?

Brand communications, so brand identity, PR, social media, content development, brand partnerships, new product launches and marketing campaigns.

Relevant qualifications

Marketing BSc (Hons)

Industry experience

I’ve worked in marketing for 19 years and for a wide range of well-known retailers, always specialising in brand communications.

What Rachel's colleagues have to say about her…

Hannah Bryce

SEO Manager

Pam has a wealth of experience within the bed industry, and this is reflected in the first class products she designs and develops. Pam is a superb ambassador for Bensons for Beds, working tirelessly with our suppliers to ensure we offer collections which provide our customers with solutions to a great night’s sleep.

Who Gets More Space in the Bedroom?
June 9, 2022-Rachel Marshall

Who Gets More Space in the Bedroom?

One of the best things about living with your significant other is falling asleep next to each other every night. Or is it? Cuddling up before dozing off could be your idea of heaven, but what if your partner needs their space in order to get a good night’s sleep? We were interested in finding out if [...]
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Why Do We Yawn?
August 1, 2023-Rachel Marshall

Why Do We Yawn?

Yawning is a funny old thing. We do it when we’re tired. We do it when we see someone else yawn. Some of us try to stifle our yawns. Some people consider yawning a bit rude. For something we seem to do so often, and in so many different contexts, yawning is something most of us know [...]
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Your New Partner Deal Breakers Revealed
February 9, 2023-Rachel Marshall

Your New Partner Deal Breakers Revealed

You’ve started dating someone new, and everything is going well until you venture into their bedroom. Here you find dirty clothes strewn on the floor, yesterday’s toast still sitting on their bedside table, and bedsheets that don’t look like they’ve seen inside a washing machine in months. What do you do? Do you call time [...]
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What’s Keeping You Awake at Night?
August 19, 2022-Rachel Marshall

What’s Keeping You Awake at Night?

Tossing and turning in bed disrupts your sleep and can leave you feeling tired and sluggish the next day. But what’s making you restless? We were curious to find out what stops us from drifting off into a peaceful night’s slumber. Is it the never-ending to-do list racing through our minds? Could an uncomfortable mattress be the culprit? Or is that [...]
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The Most Important Thing We Want From Our Bedroom
August 19, 2022-Rachel Marshall

The Most Important Thing We Want From Our Bedroom

Our bedroom should be our sanctuary – a place of calm where we go to rest, unwind, and recharge. But in reality, bedrooms often become a play area for our kids, a home office, or sometimes just somewhere to store our never-ending ironing pile. So, what are we really using our bedroom for? Is it just a room to [...]
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