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Sleep Expert – Dr Sophie Bostock

Sophie brings a wealth of expertise to the role having spent the last six years researching and championing the importance of sleep science in NHS and corporate settings. Sophie was responsible for improving access to the award-winning digital sleep improvement programme, Sleepio, as an NHS Innovation Accelerator Fellow. She has delivered hundreds of talks, including for TEDx and Talks@Google, and regularly features as a media sleep expert.

Your most pressing sleep questions, answered.

Struggling to sleep? Perhaps you keep waking up during the night? Well, you’re not alone. We took to Instagram with a poll, asking our followers if they had any sleep questions they would like to put to Dr Sophie Bostock, and the results are in.

From snoring to strange dreams, many of you shared your concerns that were stopping you from sleeping. We collated the results and took some of the most popular and pressing questions to Sophie, a Sleep Scientist and passionate advocate for the importance of sleep. Here’s what she said…

Your most pressing sleep questions, answered.

Struggling to sleep? Perhaps you keep waking up during the night? Well, you’re not alone. We took to Instagram with a poll, asking our followers if they had any sleep questions they would like to put to Dr Sophie Bostock, and the results are in.

From snoring to strange dreams, many of you shared your concerns that were stopping you from sleeping. We collated the results and took some of the most popular and pressing questions to Sophie, a Sleep Scientist and passionate advocate for the importance of sleep. Here’s what she said…

How to prepare your children for their return to school.

The last year has been such a rollercoaster that you’d think we’d be used to uncertainty by now. But that’s not always how it works, says Dr Sophie Bostock.

Even if you’ve been desperately looking forward to an end to home-schooling, change of any kind can be unsettling. Worry often sneaks up on us in the middle of the night. We might fall asleep OK, but wake up in the early hours, thoughts churning. So what can you do this week to ease back-to-school worries?

Here, our sleep expert Dr Sophie Bostock explains...

How a good sleep routine can strengthen your immune defences

Dr Sophie Bostock talks about how a good night’s sleep plays a vital role in building a strong immune system and may help make vaccines more effective. View the video to hear what she has to say and to see how quality sleep can help in the fight against Covid-19.

The Sleep Diary

If you want to change anything about your sleep, where do you start?

Well, it’s really helpful to know where you’re starting from. So, the first thing Sophie recommends keeping a sleep diary.

Simply think about last night and write down the answers to these two questions. They don’t need to be super accurate.

  • How many hours were you asleep for last night? Not counting time you were awake in the middle of the night.
  • How many hours were you in bed for? This includes time watching netflix before bed, or snoozing, or checking your phone in the morning OK, now for the fun part. Maths. Guesstimates are allowed. As is asking your children for help.

You should have two numbers. Say 7 hours of sleep, and 8 hours in bed. What we want to know is your Sleep Efficiency, which is the proportion of time in bed that you were actually asleep…

So, 7 divided by 8, multiplied by 100 provides a percentage… This gives a sleep efficiency of 87.5% - let’s round it up to 88%.

This is pretty good. A healthy sleep efficiency is anything above 85%, and 90% is excellent.

To improve it, think about not going to bed until you actually feel sleepy - and not lingering in bed when you wake up.

You want your brain to associate your bed with sleep and intimacy - and nothing else.

Other Projects Sophie Has Been Involved In

The Sleep Scientist was launched by Dr Sophie Bostock with the aim of helping more people to sleep well, and thrive. Sophie is a scientist and speaker with a bias for action.

Sophie has always been intrigued by why what makes us feel good and function well. She studied medicine at Nottingham University, followed by an MSc in Entrepreneurship. After several years in consulting, she completed a PhD in Health Psychology at University College London (UCL), investigating why happiness protects against heart disease, and how to improve wellbeing at work.

Dr Sophie Bostock


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Talks at Google


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ITV This Morning

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What are the Health Risks Associated with Shift Work?
May 25, 2023-Dr Sophie Bostock

What are the Health Risks Associated with Shift Work?

One of the major challenges with shift work is that our body clocks can go out of sync with each other, as well as with the light-dark cycle of the sun, which puts the body under strain. This is called Circadian Desynchrony. It puts our entire system under strain and reduces our capacity to recover. In the short term, [...]
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What’s Different About Women’s Sleep?
May 2, 2023-Dr Sophie Bostock

What’s Different About Women’s Sleep?

When sleep experts were asked to give recommendations about a healthy amount of sleep for adults back in 2015, they initially thought that men and women would have different recommendations.. after all, men and women have important biological differences. However, after reviewing the scientific evidence, experts recommended that all adults - men and women - get at least 7 hours [...]
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What is Restless Legs Syndrome?
July 4, 2023-Dr Sophie Bostock

What is Restless Legs Syndrome?

When you try to relax in the evening or sleep at night, do you ever have unpleasant, restless feelings in your legs that can be relieved by walking or movement? Restless Legs Syndrome (or RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, is a neurological disorder characterised by an irresistible urge to move your legs to stop uncomfortable sensations. The sensations have been [...]
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What Should I Eat for Better Sleep and Mental Health?
October 12, 2022-Dr Sophie Bostock

What Should I Eat for Better Sleep and Mental Health?

Can what you eat have an impact on your sleep, and mood?  Absolutely. This is an active area for research and we don’t have all the answers yet, but in this article I highlight some key evidence that your diet, your mood and your sleep are closely tied together. I’ll share some recommendations for the diet [...]
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Tired and Lonely? How to Tackle the Link Between Poor Sleep and Loneliness
December 14, 2021-Dr Sophie Bostock

Tired and Lonely? How to Tackle the Link Between Poor Sleep and Loneliness

We all feel lonely sometimes. It’s part of being human. We’re wired for social contact. Loneliness happens when there is a mismatch between the quality or quantity of our social connections, and the ones we’d like to have. Loneliness isn’t necessarily the same as being alone. Some solitude can be healthy. One person might feel lonely despite having lots of friends, [...]
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Stress and Anxiety: The Tools to Help You Sleep
April 5, 2022-Dr Sophie Bostock

Stress and Anxiety: The Tools to Help You Sleep

Do you ever feel as though you’re always on, and have difficulty switching off?Many of us fill our days to the brim with work, sport, family, friends, social media, DIY, shopping, hobbies. It’s all good stuff, but it can mean that we rarely make time to PAUSE and just be.The problem with this ‘always on’ approach [...]
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