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Chris Hardy

Product Copywriter

Working at Bensons

How long have you worked at/with Bensons for?

I’m just coming up to 6 months, and it has flown by! I’m massively excited to see where the Bensons journey takes me.

Why Bensons?

I grew up watching old VHS recordings of films taped off the TV from the 80s and 90s, and there wasn’t one that didn’t include the old classic Bensons for Beds “jingle”. It was part of the soundtrack of my youth! So when the opportunity came up to become a copywriter for the company, how could I say no?! It’s such a fantastic company to work for, and I’m grateful to be a part of such an historic British company.

Relevant Qualifications

  • 12 years of digital marketing experience
  • 11 years of copywriting experience
  • 6 years of SEO driven content creation


What do you specialise in?

As someone who has had a lifelong love of the English language, and its capability to create nothing short of magic when used effectively, I simply try to specialise in using it to the best of my ability. Whether that be a quick and punchy tagline, or a novel. As Noam Chomsky said, “language is a process of free creation”, and I see it as a privilege to be creative every day.