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Sleep Hub

man with a beard enjoying a coffee

Overcoming Morning Motivation Hurdles: A Guide to Getting up and Getting Going

Top Types of Kids' Mattresses
March 22, 2023-Pam Johnson

Top Types of Kids' Mattresses

We put a lot of thought into almost every aspect of our children’s lives. We agonise long and hard over what foods to feed them, which television shows and movies we allow them to watch and – the big one – what time bedtime is. However, despite knowing just how important sleep is [...]
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​10 Tips to Maximise Sleep During Ramadan
March 17, 2023-Gemma Henry

​10 Tips to Maximise Sleep During Ramadan

Getting enough sleep can be tough all year round, and the challenge only gets harder when it comes to Ramadan, when late night prayers and waking early for pre-dawn suhoor makes getting a healthy eight hours almost impossible. Lasting from the first observed crescent moon to the next, Ramadan, one of the five pillars [...]
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Dr Sophie Bostock Answers Your Questions on Teenagers and Sleep
March 14, 2023-Dr Sophie Bostock

Dr Sophie Bostock Answers Your Questions on Teenagers and Sleep

We gave you the chance to ask our resident sleep expert, Dr Sophie Bostock, some questions about kids and teen sleep habits via our  Instagram page. Many of you jumped at the chance to get an expert point of view on certain aspects of teen sleep. Here, Dr Sophie addresses some of your questions [...]
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Iconic Bedrooms from Film and Television and How to Recreate Them
March 14, 2023-Rhys Edmondson

Iconic Bedrooms from Film and Television and How to Recreate Them

Whether it’s for the plot, the characters, the cinematography, or of course, the bedrooms, we’ve all fallen in love with certain films or television programmes over the years. But here at Bensons for Beds, we have a special love for set designs – especially the bedrooms from film and television! Why? Well, the bedrooms [...]
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​Teenagers and Sleep: Why are they so tired, and why does it matter?
February 28, 2023-Dr Sophie Bostock

​Teenagers and Sleep: Why are they so tired, and why does it matter?

In This Article Loading... Across the world, teenagers sleep too late, and too little. Teenagers have been described as the subgroup of the population most at risk of chronic sleep deprivation (Carskadon 2011). Research suggests that today’s adolescents are sleeping more than an hour less than they were 100 years ago (Matricciani 2012). So why do teenagers struggle to get enough sleep? Why [...]
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​First Time Buyers: What To Look For in the Bedroom and Beyond
February 23, 2023-Lauren Jaques

​First Time Buyers: What To Look For in the Bedroom and Beyond

In This Article Loading... Buying a house for the first time is exciting. It’s also intimidating, confusing and scary. There’s a lot to think about. Can you afford it? Is the location right? Are you a new build kinda person or is that Victorian conversion more you? Whether it’s a starter apartment or forever home, we’re sure [...]
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