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Sleep Hub

man with a beard enjoying a coffee

Overcoming Morning Motivation Hurdles: A Guide to Getting up and Getting Going

​Benefits of Waterproof Mattress Protectors
June 23, 2023-Emma Carlton

​Benefits of Waterproof Mattress Protectors

Think waterproof mattress protectors and you probably think of potty training. After all, there’s nothing more valuable to the parent of a toddler who’s new to grown-up pants, than water resistant furniture protection. A mattress, as we well know, is a significant investment for most people. It’s something the majority of us save for [...]
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​Men’s Health: How can sleep help? How is men’s sleep different to women’s sleep?
June 15, 2023-Dr Sophie Bostock

​Men’s Health: How can sleep help? How is men’s sleep different to women’s sleep?

In This Article Loading... Every year in June, Men’s Health Week occurs in the lead up to Father’s Day. It aims to raise awareness of preventable health issues, especially those that disproportionately affect men. Men are less likely to seek out medical help than women, so another goal of the week is to encourage men to access support where they need it. In [...]
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Allergies at Night: How Can they Affect Sleep?
June 12, 2023-Dr Sophie Bostock

Allergies at Night: How Can they Affect Sleep?

The number of people suffering with allergies in the UK stands at a staggering 44% of people according to AllergyUK (1). And unfortunately, anyone suffering from allergies understands their prevalence at night. Not only can allergies such as hay fever make falling asleep a tricky task (what, with the sniffling and discomfort that ensues), but there are other [...]
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