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Sleep Hub

man with a beard enjoying a coffee

Overcoming Morning Motivation Hurdles: A Guide to Getting up and Getting Going

Pros and Cons of Memory Foam Mattresses
July 14, 2023-Pam Johnson

Pros and Cons of Memory Foam Mattresses

A good night’s sleep is vital for our health and wellbeing (1), we all know it. However for many of us, restful slumber is elusive, leaving us to spend the day ahead feeling less than brilliant. One way to vastly improve your chances of great sleep? A comfortable mattress chosen to suit your [...]
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A person sleeping outdoors at a festival on the grass with tents and groups of people in the background.
July 6, 2023-Rhys Edmondson

How to Sleep at a Festival

Get yourself equipped with the knowledge needed to sleep both in a tent and while surrounded by festival goers before festival season rolls back around. Here we share some great hacks to help anyone trying to sleep at a festival.
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Can a Salt Lamp Really Help with Sleep?
July 6, 2023-Rachel Marshall

Can a Salt Lamp Really Help with Sleep?

Salt lamps are popular across the globe. Not only are they a beautiful decorative home accessory, many people say that there are numerous benefits to salt lamps, not least of which is the belief that they can help you sleep better. Now, in the interest of being open and honest, it is advisable to [...]
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Sleep Crystals: Do They Really Work?
July 6, 2023-Rachel Marshall

Sleep Crystals: Do They Really Work?

We look at the various benefits of using sleep crystals and salt lamps to aid sleep and whether they actually work. Many people claim that there are various benefits to using sleep crystals. So, while there isn’t currently any scientific evidence to support these claims, we thought it worthwhile to investigate further. From sleep crystals [...]
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A woman cuddling a pug, wearing a sleep mask and a wearable blanket, fully kitted out for a duvet day
July 5, 2023-Rhys Edmondson

Duvet Days: How Do You Spend Yours?

Duvet days are most definitely a guilty pleasure we all like to indulge in once in a while. Looking for inspo on how to spend your next duvet day? Discover our favourite ways to wile away the time here.
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What is Restless Legs Syndrome?
July 4, 2023-Dr Sophie Bostock

What is Restless Legs Syndrome?

When you try to relax in the evening or sleep at night, do you ever have unpleasant, restless feelings in your legs that can be relieved by walking or movement? Restless Legs Syndrome (or RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, is a neurological disorder characterised by an irresistible urge to move your legs to stop uncomfortable sensations. The sensations have been [...]
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