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Sleep Hub

man with a beard enjoying a coffee

Overcoming Morning Motivation Hurdles: A Guide to Getting up and Getting Going

Latex Mattress Buying Guide
September 7, 2023-Emma Carlton

Latex Mattress Buying Guide

Latex mattresses are becoming more popular thanks to them being naturally hypoallergenic, cooling, and - when sourced from rubber trees - a more sustainable choice. Learn more here.
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Is it Worth Spending Money on Supplements for Sleep?
September 6, 2023-Dr Sophie Bostock

Is it Worth Spending Money on Supplements for Sleep?

As a sleep scientist, this is a question that has me squirming a little.. my typical response varies between: “ it depends” and “perhaps”! I know that’s not terribly helpful. I’d love to give a clearer answer, but in some cases we just don’t have the evidence to prove whether a specific supplement has an impact, or we [...]
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