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Sleep Hub

man with a beard enjoying a coffee

Overcoming Morning Motivation Hurdles: A Guide to Getting up and Getting Going

15 Space-Saving Design Ideas for Small Bedrooms
June 14, 2024-Gemma Henry

15 Space-Saving Design Ideas for Small Bedrooms

For those living in homes with particularly tiny bedrooms, you’ll know just how tricky it can be to not only efficiently fit all your bedroom furniture in but your belongings, too. From making use of higher ceilings to doubling up your furniture for multiple practical uses, we’ve put together a list of fifteen amazing space saving [...]
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Alcohol and Sleep: Could Drinking be Keeping You Awake at Night?
June 12, 2024-Dr Sophie Bostock

Alcohol and Sleep: Could Drinking be Keeping You Awake at Night?

Does alcohol actually help you sleep? Many people drink alcohol before bed, believing that it will help them to wind down and fall asleep faster. While it’s true that alcohol has some relaxing properties, overall it interferes with good quality sleep. This means you’re more likely to wake up feeling groggy, tired and irritable. Lack of good quality sleep can [...]
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