10 Ways to Increase the Lifespan of a Mattress

A mattress is a pretty big investment. Costing anywhere from a couple of hundred quid to a few thousand smackers, it’s a given that you’ll want to maximise the average life of a mattress you’ve poured a hefty part of your hard-earned money into. There’s no need to fret as you reluctantly hand over that debit card though. Whether it’s a budget buy or a high-end luxury splash out, there are plenty of things you can do to help protect your new mattress for a longer life of clean and comfortable sleep.
Whether you’re in the market for a new bed or want to eke a few more years out of your current bed set-up, read on for a quick guide to mattress lifespans and our ten top tips for a longer lasting mattress.
The Average Life of a Mattress: How Long Will Your Mattress Last?
It can be difficult to know how long to keep a mattress and so many of us end up sleeping on an unsuitable bed for far longer than we really should. So, what is the average lifespan of a mattress and how do you know when it’s time to trade in?
How long will a mattress last?
According to the experts, a mattress should last between six and eight years. That said, some premium mattresses may include a guarantee for up to ten years, giving you plenty of extra bang for your buck should you have the budget.
The lifespan of a mattress may depend on a number of things. First and foremost, of course, is the quality of the mattress itself. But you’ll also need to consider how often it’s used – your everyday master bedroom mattress for example will likely need replacing before the one in your guest room. Another consideration will be the type of mattress you’re using, the base it’s on. And, of course, there’s the care that that mattress gets during its lifetime.
Signs your mattress needs replacing
With 6-8 years as a recommended mattress life expectancy but no hard and fast rule when it comes to mattress lifespan, it’s better to look out for the following signs that it’s time for a new mattress:
- Sagging
- Roll together (where you and your partner roll towards each other when one of you moves)
- Broken or noisy springs or springs you can feel
- Allergy flare ups
- Feeling uncomfortable overnight or waking unrefreshed, stiff or achy
Built to Last: Shop Smart for Better Mattress Life Expectancy
Ready to shop? What should you look for to ensure your mattress will last?
1. Opt for long lasting mattress types: a large part of a mattress’s longevity will come down to a quality build so be sure to invest in the very best you can afford. Generally, a latex mattress will have a better life expectancy than a foam or innerspring mattress. However, a great quality sprung or memory foam bed may out-perform a poor quality latex one. Look for a balance between high spring counts and premium fillings – a mattress that has both is likely to last longer.
2. Choose the right mattress for your body: finding a mattress that gives you proper support is mutually beneficial for you and for your mattress, helping it to last longer. This is especially important for heavier people who will put more pressure on a mattress over time. Take advantage of Bensons for Beds’ sleeppro® in-store or online to help find a mattress that’s the right fit for you.
3. Pick kids mattresses designed for longevity: not only do kids mattresses need to stand up to wear and tear, but they also need to be suitable for growing bodies that need different things year to year. Smart solutions like Jay-Be Dual Control mattresses and the Slumberland Flip 2-in-1 mattress, conceived to take a child from tween to adult, aren’t just robustly built, they’re also designed to meet the needs of fast-growing kids who need more support as they age up.
Protect Your Investment: Improve the Average Life of a Mattress with Extras
Once you’ve chosen the mattress that’s going to work best for you, there are some things you can do, even before checking out your purchase, to help protect yourself and your pocket from an early re-buy:
4. Look for manufacturer guarantees: a decent mattress will come with a guarantee. In addition to the minimum five year guarantee all mattresses enjoy when bought at Bensons for Beds, most big-name brands offer a manufacturer-issued guarantee. This runs concurrently (at the same time) alongside your Bensons for Beds guarantee. This will usually cover your mattress against any manufacturing defects and other unexpected issues, meaning you won’t need to buy again if something goes wrong and it isn’t your fault.
5. Insure your mattress: a mattress-specific insurance policy like our BedGuard Care Plan can help you with the cost of repair or replacement should the worst happen. Covering everyday accidents, a decent care plan gives you peace of mind. BedGuard also includes a complimentary mattress care kit for day-to-day clean and fresh protection.
6: Mattress protectors are your friend: if there’s one rule we live by here at Bensons for Beds it’s that every mattress needs a mattress protector. A cover that fits beneath your sheet, this protector should help your bed to repel spillages, sweat and stains. In some cases they’re hypoallergenic and waterproof too, making them a real must for the beds of younger children who can be prone to little accidents.
Can Cleaning Help Mattress Life Expectancy?
Keeping your mattress clean isn’t just a matter of hygiene, though keeping mites, mould and other nasties at bay is a must. A good care regimen could also help to prolong the life of your mattress.
7. Carry out regular airing and cleaning: be sure you’re giving your mattress a weekly once over as part of your home cleaning effort. Allow it to air out between undressing and redressing it to keep it smelling fresh.
8. Rotate your mattress: regular turning of a mattress will help to make sure any wear and tear is even and no one area begins to sag before another. However, different mattresses types need to be treated differently (for example, a pillow top mattress should be rotated, never turned) so be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions before you go ahead and flip.
9. Handle with care: it might seem obvious but handling your mattress thoughtfully will help it to live a long, supportive life. We’re not just talking about keeping the bouncing to your garden trampoline. Other tips include avoiding sitting on the edge of the bed for long periods, soaking up spills as soon as they happen and discouraging moulting pets with sharp claws and teeth from jumping up for a snooze. You should also be aware that you should not bend your mattress in anyway either. Doing so has the potential to displace or damage the mattress fillings which could lead to an unsatisfactory sleep surface next time you climb between the sheets.
And 10!: Get Brilliant Mattress Advice at Bensons for Beds
For answers to all your mattress buying questions, from which bed will best suit you to how to insure your investment, turn to the team at Bensons for Beds. Experts in all things sleep, our in-store and on-the-phone staff can help you to find the ideal mattress for your bedroom while also advising on how to keep it like new for as long as possible with product recommendations for cleaning, care and protection.
Pop into your nearest showroom or give us a call on 0808 144 6160 to place on order or find out more.