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Modern Slavery Statement

BENSONSFORBEDSHOLDCO LTD (company number 12528956) is the parent company of two companies (1) BENSONSFORBEDSRETAIL Ltd (company number 12528962 “BBR”) and (2) BENSONSFORBEDSMANUFACTURING LTD (company number 12683167 “BBM”) that retails and manufactures beds within the UK (“Bensons”). Retail outlets operate under the trading name Bensons for Beds.

The Modern Slavery Act of 2015 demonstrated the UK’s commitment to lead the global fight against modern slavery – a practice unacceptable in any business and supply chain.

While Bensons has always recognised its responsibility, in partnership with suppliers, to trade ethically, it welcomes the added requirements of the Act.

While the production of a modern slavery statement is now a legal requirement for a business of our size, we do so, not because we must, but because it’s the right thing to do. We welcome this opportunity to put on record that we’re working diligently to ensure there’s sufficient transparency both within Bensons, and throughout our supplier base, to address concerns over this important issue.

It’s important to Bensons that its customers are confident that the company, and its suppliers and business partners treat their employees fairly, with respect for their human rights.

In the last year, Bensons has updated its the Service Level Agreements ("SLA") that it has with its major suppliers.

While the SLA already required suppliers to comply with the Modern Slavery Act, the updated SLA now also includes a request that suppliers comply with Bensons for Beds’ Code of Conduct and that they complete a rigorous self-assessment questionnaire. Our supplier appraisal process considers what commitment and actions our suppliers are taking to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

We are starting a programme of review of all suppliers statements to be completed this year.

Bensons will not work with any organisation that either has, or is found to, knowingly be involved with either human trafficking or modern slavery.

As suppliers agree the revised SLA’s they will be subject to audit. Future plans are for all suppliers to engage with SEDEX and make available to Bensons relevant SMEETA audits.

If a risk is identified, measures will be implemented, monitored at board level and any actions taken where necessary.

For new suppliers to Bensons, we undertake a supplier approval process to ensure that as far as we can ascertain all suppliers of goods and services adhere to this important legislation.

We recognise the need for continued vigilance from the whole Bensons team.

We will continue to identify ways to enhance employee and supplier awareness and commitment to respecting human rights and the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking.

We have developed a basic awareness training module for all staff covering the issues and recognition of modern slavery and actions to be taken if affected as a victim or if modern slavery is suspected or detected at work. This is being developed to be rolled out to all staff through the Bensons’ learning platform and is ongoing.

We have also introduced a confidential “whistleblowing” line, known as Safecall (operated by an independent third party), for any employee with concerns to raise any issues in a safe environment.

We also commit to keep abreast of information, future legislation and best practise on the risks of slavery and human trafficking, ensuring the business continues to meet the standards set out in law and fulfil our commitment to operate ethically.

This statement is made under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It has been approved by the Bensons for Beds HoldCo Limited (as the holding company of BBR and BBM) Board of Directors and will be reviewed annually.