Author page - Courtney-Red Veitch

Courtney-Red Veitch

Chief Sleep Officer

Courtney-Red Veitch

Chief Sleep Officer

Working at Bensons

How long have you worked at/with Bensons for?

I have only been working with Bensons for 4 months and have been very excited to start my journey and begin learning, researching and writing some interesting articles. My main role is to 'sleep on the job' while I test and review Bensons' mattresses.

Why Bensons?

After having a baby and going from a full 9/10 hours of sleep a night to very sporadic forty winks as and when I could, I’ve been through a lot when it comes to sleep. I spent a lot of time in those early newborn days researching sleep at 3am and the science behind children’s sleep, but also what happens to new parents when they are sleep deprived but still required to be fully functioning 24 hours a day. The subject thoroughly interests me as it is such a huge part of all of our lives and I can’t wait to deep dive into understanding and building my knowledge of sleep even further.

What Courtney-Red’s colleagues have to say about her

Courtney-Red has been learning a lot about sleep in general, but also a has been testing and learning about lots of different mattresses, pillows, duvets and bed frames and how they can benefit different sleepers. Courtney-Red has really helped us communicate these benefits to our customers and followers across social media.


What do you specialise in?

My speciality is focusing on all things sleep including: how it changes new parents, how baby and children’s sleep correlates with growth and development, sleep deprivation and products we can use for a successful sleep. I’ll be reviewing some of Benson’s products to bring you honest feedback and help you choose only the best products for a successful night's sleep.

Relevant qualifications

I'm fully qualified in sleeping on the job!

Industry experience

Just starting the journey of learning all about the bed industry.

Articles written by Courtney-Red

How to contact Courtney-Red

You can find Courtney-Red on Instagram @courtneyred